Friday 20 September 2013

Assignment 2: DA Submission

You are to put together a DA (development application) submission for a house for your research architect/artist/designer. As this is a DA submission, you will find your deliverables list here:

  • Pages 4-7 contain a checklist of items that must be submitted as part of a DA. Therefore, this is what you must submit for your assignment. Note that not all items on the checklist are required...
  • YOU are the applicant
  • Your client is the owner
  • You WILL need to supply material for items: 1-9, 12-13, 15, 18-19
  • You do NOT need to supply material for items: 10-11, 14, 16-17, 20-32
  • You will ALSO be required to import your model into Lumion and provide renderings and animations of the DA submission - remember that the DA is also the final opportunity to lock-in or 'sell' your design to the client!.
  • Design and documentation is to be undertaken using Autodesk Revit, and visualisation is to be undertaken using Lumion. 
    • If you do not already have these programs installed on your personal machines you will need to do so by week 10. It is your responsibility to undertake the training material that accompanies these programs. Tutors will endeavour to help with questions and issues wherever possible, but do not have enough time available to hold your hand all the way through the process.
    • Autodesk has free educational versions of its' software available to you, and Lumion has a free version available for download
    • note that the free version of Lumion has very limited libraries of objects and it would be worth buying the full version while you are a student.

In order to plan and design your building, and to fulfil the requirements of the DA application, you will need to refer to several documents including the Mosman DCP and LEP. These documents contain planning controls and requirements for development in Mosman:

Residential DCP (PDF 15MB)
Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012 (PDF 871KB)
Mosman LEP 2012 - Land Zoning (LZN) map (PDF 2MB)
Mosman LEP 2012 - Height of Buildings (HOB) map (PDF 550KB)
Mosman LEP 2012 - Foreshore Building Line (FBL) map (PDF 490KB)
Mosman LEP 2012 - Floor Space Ratio (FSR) map (PDF 608KB)
A client brief (scope of works) will be provided to you in week 10 (immediately post the coming semester break and non teaching weeks), and you will need to relate this to the week 7 studio exercise to determine how to apply the information about your specific client's needs to the site. During weeks 10 and 11 we will use the lecture times (and parts of the studio time as well) to talk about aspects of the DA process.

Stage 1:
Between now and week 10 you are required to research all of the relevant information in relation to the site. It is up to you to determine what information (and controls) are relevant, and what they mean in relation to the site. The links above give you everything you need to carry out this task. You must provide a checklist of all of the relevant controls, with their rules, and the resulting calculation specific to the project site. You must also produce a drawing showing the application of those controls in graphic terms (such as building envelope setbacks, height controls, etc), and another drawing for the site analysis (Item 4 from the DA checklist, as well as pages 6-7 from the Mosman Residential DCP). These must be submitted (via your blog) no later than midnight, Thursday, October 10th.

The site is #5 Wyargine Street, Balmoral, and you can download the site survey, in DWG and PDF format, here. Site photos and other material will be made available in week 10. Please note that the site has a new home on it, but you will be using the survey and other information as if that project had not yet been undertaken; as such a site visit is not deemed necessary.


  1. I'm trying to import CAD file (site survey) to Revit to make toposurface, but i can't. It says that "the specified file name contains unsupported characters". I had already changed the file name and it didn't work...Do you have a revit file with the toposurface? Or is there any other way to do this? Thank you.

  2. I have retested creating a toposurface from the DWG survey as provided via dropbox, and it is working fine. It should not have been necessary to rename the file, so I wonder if there may have been a problem with your download that corrupted the file? Try downloading it again and then rerun the create toposurface process. Let me know if still no luck.

  3. Hi Wesley,

    I have a few questions about assignment 2. I was hoping you could help me with it. How many section drawings do we need for the DA submission? I'm also not sure about the landscape plan. I think you said in the lecture that we don't need one. Is this correct? And what are the outputs and material we have to produce using Lumion? For intance, how many renderings, and how long should the animation be?

    One last thing. I am using cute pdf to make the pdfs in revit but this program leaves a black bar around the border which is slightly annoying, I remember you telling me about another pdf converter that is free but I've forgotten its name?

  4. Hey Byron,
    - You need at least one section, sufficient to explain the cross-sectional form of the building. Many designs really should have two sections, at 90 degrees to each other, to properly explain the form.
    - You are required to produce a landscape plan (Item 9 on the DA checklist).
    Lumion output needs to be determined by you :-) Remember that you are trying to sell your design to council - what do you need to do that successfully? I would assume at least 3-5 renderings, and at least one animation. Animation length should be determined by the length necessary to communicate your intent, not be a time limit imposed externally. Again, the real question is: to sell your design, what do you need to show (or hide!), and how long does it take to do that properly?

  5. I mentioned PDF995, but here are quite a few out there. Just type "free PDF printer" into Google and see what happens...
