Friday 15 November 2013

Assignment 2: Deadline midnight tonight!

Just a quick note to let you all know that it has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to seeing how your work develops over the next couple of years. If you are still working to finish your submission for Saturday night, don't forget to check back through the comments on any of the assignment related blog posts for questions and answers that have been posted there over the last couple of weeks. Good luck!

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Assignment 2: DA Sample Docs

The set of documents used to submit a development application to council for this site have been posted into a folder called "DA Samples" in the same folder as the model for the neighbours as posted last week:

This should give you a good sense of the sort of material that is required in a full DA submission, as well as some additional direction for you as you prepare the material for your own submission. As noted previously, I do not expect you to produce a Statement of Environmental Effects (SoEE) to the length that you see here, nor as complete a set of drawings, but you do need to have explained your project FULLY, and to have addressed, in the SoEE, all of the potential council concerns.

Good luck everybody, I look forward to seeing what you have put together at the end of next week!

Friday 1 November 2013

Assignment 2: Change in requirements

In the interest of your interests...  I have decided that you are no longer required to submit material in relation to items 18 and 19 of the DA submission checklist (these are non-core items). This means you do NOT need to produce a Concept Drainage Plan or a Site Waste Minimisation and Management Plan.

You do still need to produce material in relation to checklist items 1-9, 12-13, 15