Friday 15 November 2013

Assignment 2: Deadline midnight tonight!

Just a quick note to let you all know that it has been a pleasure working with you and I look forward to seeing how your work develops over the next couple of years. If you are still working to finish your submission for Saturday night, don't forget to check back through the comments on any of the assignment related blog posts for questions and answers that have been posted there over the last couple of weeks. Good luck!


  1. hey Wes, isn't this due the 16th rather than the 15th?

  2. Yeah Wes, why are you saying the hand is tonight? You told everyone that it was due on the 16th before we split for exam period.

  3. its due tonight guys

  4. Ooops, my bad! That's what happens when you are on the road, it all gets confused.... The submission is due midnight, Saturday the 16th, NOT tonight (the 15th...)!! I have also corrected the blog post itself so that others do not confused if they come across it.

