Friday, 2 August 2013

Research Exercise 1: Design Influence

From the list below, choose a designer / artist whose work interests you, and who you would like to learn a bit more about during this semester. We will return to the work of your chosen person/firm at several points through the semester.
- Coop Himmelblau- Emilio Ambasz
- Andrea Palladio  - Studio Gang Architects
- Friedensreich Hundertwasser- Gian Lorenzo Bernini
- Antonio Gaudi  - Simon Murton
- Erich Mendelsohn- Fariborz Sahba
- M C Escher- Oscar Niemeyer
- Yona Friedman- Piranesi (the prison etchings)
- Nicholas Schuybroek - Santiago Calatrava
- Steven Holl (the watercolours)- UNStudio
- Ruy Ohtake - László Moholy-Nagy
Post to your blog your chosen artist/designer. Choose one of their works (could be a completed or unrealised building, a painting, or a sculpture) and post a series of photographs to your blog, including references of where the images are from. Describe what interests you about the work of this person.
This must be completed and uploaded to your blog prior to the Week 2 lecture. The description can be any length that suits you in describing the work, but must be at least 150-200 words.

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