Friday 30 August 2013

Studio Exercise 3

Stage 3: Posterboards

Over the last few weeks you have looked at several different aspects of how to represent a chosen idea (a building / a painting or sketch) in both 2D and 3D, how to extract information from one representational form in order to reproduce it in another form, and how to abstract an idea. Last week you spent time developing a kit of parts of the different representations of your chosen research subject, and then also interpreting that work and developing imagery to suit the interpretation.

This week I want you to take all of those parts and produce two presentation boards that synthesize the materials you have collected and analysis you have done. You will need to use, at a minimum (you can do more than this if you want to), the abstracted form of your paper folding exercise, 2 of your analysis views from last week's studio work, and at least two other representations of your research subject. This material must then be brought together in a coherent, graphical form on 1 or 2 presentation boards that represent the ideas you have discovered. These boards will be presented electronically only, so precise sizing is not critical, but you might consider them in terms of an A3 printout for sizing purposes.

Note that these boards should be able to convey those ideas WITHOUT you there to interpret them for the viewer! Also, your boards should not just be a parade of image by image by image, but should be trying to use ideas of overlay, overlap, overlook (!) to give the board a stylistic richness that attracts the viewer.

During the last week you should have spent time looking at examples of presentation boards from previous students, from design practices, and any other sources you could locate. Additionally, you were expected to provide some commentary on why you like the boards you chose to add to your blog - what worked about them, what didn't work. Use this process to help you define how your own boards might work, but try and come up with a style and an idea that represent you and the way that you look at your research subject.

You will have the full studio period to carry out this project, but you will also need to ensure you have left yourself with sufficient time to get the results up on to your blog. Your tutor will be reviewing and marking your boards starting immediately post studio, so if you have not competed your blog post by the end of the studio, you will be marked down.

Also make sure that you have gotten an opportunity for a chat with your tutor about assignment 1. There will be tutor led critiques of your assignment in next week's studio, and then it will be due by the end of next week, so this is the last opportunity before you put together your presentation materials...

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